summer camp superstars
who you can hire
Camp Canada find highly skilled, fully vetted and enthusiastic young adults from over 10 countries across the world - including the UK, France, Australia, New Zealand & other European countries.
Many are students eager to spend their summer discovering Canada, stepping out of their comfort zones, and making a positive impact on the lives of children from around the world.
some of the roles you can fill
activity specialist
You'll be able to hire highly skilled applicants who are confident teaching their chosen activity to your campers. Whatever role you need, we can help.
- Sports & Outdoor Adventure Roles
- Waterfront & Lifeguarding Roles
- Art, Performing, & Media Roles
lifeguard & waterfront
These applicants will take part in either a National Lifesaving or Bronze Cross course.
We are partnered with the reputable swim school, Shendy's, based in Toronto! Ensuring your participants have the highest quality training and are fully prepped for your waterfront.
special needs roles
You can hire counsellors to work with a wide range of special needs campers. Let us know your needs, and we'll find someone to work as an inclusion, or full-care counsellor at your camp.
These counsellors are willing to work with a range of physical, or developmental disabilities.